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  • Writer's pictureBoozeFlufferGirl


Updated: May 31, 2020

Does my brown eye look green? Must be due to the face-plant impact I suffered when falling down the stairs at a Turbo Negro show in LA. It still hurts 15 years later I promise. Put on your wobbly boots fellow boozers! Thank you for being here for my very first blog post. It has taken me a lot of liquid courage to get this rolling. My name is Michelle and I am a shit-faced sot.

Unfortunate condition of slamming a pint of rum in 2 minutes.
My bloody eye after a faceplant.

Blacked Out, Eyes Open is a post about Boozer Lifestyle. I will be sharing stories from professional booze sponges, drunken quotes from My EXHandler's Sniper's Nest, and tips on becoming the best boozehound that you can be.

BOEO is a state of mind...a peaceful place because you don't experience anything. Keep in mind that your pie hole is still spewing words, without any logic between each and every sip, while your body is a juggernaut of infinite knowledge of everything...

Depending on what brought you to arrive at this mysterious BOEO state of mind, your experience will only be remembered by a person capable of relaying your experience to you and everyone else. That is the only part that sucks about this state of euphoria. These 'rememberers' are fuck nuts that don't drink enough, or worst of all, TEETOTALERS!!! Fuck those cunts right? Remember that there are three sides to every story, BUT, sober people can be the worst enemies. Always try to avoid TEETOTALERS and the minions that give them the hubris that they require to stay sober.

BOEO is a state of mind, or lack of mind...

Whether you are at a bar, a family reunion nightmare potluck fucking stupid fest, or at work, you are still physically functioning without conscience. You are actually unconscious but mobile; Unavailable to notice all of the drab faces, stupid voices, and dumb cunts that are trying to destroy your buzz. Luckily, while BOEO, you don't experience any of the vast, morbid landscape of lippy losers at the bar. You are longer stressed that you did not bring the stupid dish to pass because 'YOU' are not really present. The contempt you feel for family, bosses, coworkers, and everyone else dissipates into the abyss of your absent self.


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